The Role of Small and Medium Sized Cities in Regional Development
Oradea/Nagyvárad, 15–16 September 2016
Partium Christian University
15 September 2016
10.00 General meeting (for HRSA members)
10.00 Book presentations (in Hungarian)
13.00 Annual meeting
Welcome speech Pálfi József Rector, Partium Christian University
13.15 Plenary session 1 (in English)
Manfred Kühn Senior Researcher, Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning
Small and Medium Sized Cities – Driving Forces of Peripheralisation
Nataša Pichler-Milanović Senior Researcher, University of Ljubljana
Multiple Perspectives on Small and Medium Size Towns in (Central) Europe: A Cross Border Exporation
Zoltán Pogátsa Associate Professor, University of West Hungary
Place Based Development? The Political Economy of EU Cohesion Policy
Mihály Lados Senior Research Fellow, HAS CERS Institute for Regional Studies
Smart City Model in Small and Medium Sized Cities
16.00 Plenary session 2 (in Hungarian)
János Rechnitzer Professor, President of HRSA
Transition of Hungarian Urban System, the Role of Small and Medium Sized Cities
Áron Kincses Deputy Head of Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Migration, Settlement Networks in the Carpathian Basin
Edit Somlyódyné Pfeil Associate Professor, Széchenyi István University
The Possibility of Effective Urban Government Between the EU Expectations and the New Strategic Directions of Development of Public Service
Ferenc Szilágyi Associate Professor, Partium Christian University
Urban Development of Partium and Cross-Border Urban Connections
18.00 Excellent Young Regionalist Prize
18.15 Pro Regional Science Award
18.30 Partium Evening
20.00 Reception
16 September 2016
9.00–13.00 Parallel sessions
Session 1-11 are organized in Hungarian, session 12 is in English.
1 Theoretical and Methodological Questions of Urban Analysis
Tamás Dusek Professor, Széchenyi István University
2 Regional Innovation Systems
Attila Varga Professor, University of Pécs
3 Urban Development, Planning and Management, Public Services
László Faragó Professor, Senior Research Fellow, HAS Institute for Regional Studies
4 Urbanism, Smart Cities
Richárd Ongjerth Managing Director, Hungarian Urban Knowledge Centre
5 Urban Ecology, Climate Change, Sustainable Cities
Imre Nagy Professor, University of Novi Sad
6 Urban–Rural Relations
János Schwertner President, Academic Society for the Development of the Micro-regions
7 Urban Sociology, Local Community, Territorial and Social Capital
Zoltán Csizmadia Associate Professor, Széchenyi István University
8 Small Cities and Declaration of New Towns
András Trócsányi Associate Professor, University of Pécs
9 Cities, Spatial Structures, Networks
György Csomós Professor, University of Debrecen
10 City Marketing, Culture, Tourism, Hungaricums
Gábor Kozma Associate Professor, University of Debrecen
11 Borders and Cities
Tamás Fleischer Senior Research Fellow, HAS Institute of World Economics
Call for Papers (Session in English)
12 The Role of Small and Medium Sized Cities in Regional Development
Chair: Zoltán Gál Senior Research Fellow, HAS Institute for Regional Studies
Presentations of 20 minutes are welcomed. Registration is free of charge for the speakers from Central and Eastern Europe (excluding Hungary).
Abstracts (less than 500 words), should be submitted by e-mail to Zoltán Gál ( by 20 August 2016.
The detailed program of sessions will be announced at the beginning of September 2016.
HRSA website: